in The
Projector |
Gal 1:4 | Summer 1999 | Get Rid Of Questionable Music | Randy Cornelius |
Gal 1:4 | Separation From the World | James Brooks | |
Gal 1:6 | Fall 2012 | Editor's Desk: Spiritual Junk Food | Tod Brainard |
Gal 1:6,7 | Summer 1998 | Another Jesus! | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:6,8,9 | Dec 1973 | The Other Side: Tolerance! | Dave Johnson |
Gal 1:6-9 | Nov-Dec 1978 | No Such Thing | Unknown |
Gal 1:6-9 | Spring 2011 | Reformation or Regeneration? | Tod Brainard |
Gal 1:6-9 | Spring 2014 | Editor's Desk: The CROSS Conference and Dr. Tim Keesee of Frontline Missions International | Tod Brainard |
Gal 1:6-10 | Spring 1995 | Promise Keepers | M.H. Reynolds |
Gal 1:10 | Winter 2015 | Spotlight On Contemporary Issues: Bewildered....Miserable Christians | Curtis Sluss |
Gal 1:6-11,13,14 | Fall 1988 | The Poison of Religion | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:8 | Apr 1981 | They Went Out From Us | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:8 | Fall 1990 | The Challenge of a New Religion: Neo-Evangelicalism | Carlton Helgerson |
Gal 1:8 | Neo-Fundamentalists: Soft On Separation | Tod Brainard | |
Gal 1:8 | Winter 2015 | Stars of the Morning: A Lion With No Roar | Carolyn Hobbs |
Gal 1:8,9 | May 1972 | Rock Music - Can It Be Sacred? Part II | Frank Garlock |
Gal 1:8,9 | Oct 1979 | The Importance of Separation | Bob Bradberry |
Gal 1:10 | May 1979 | Walking With God | Dayton Hobs |
Gal 1:10 | Oct 1982 | Editor's Desk | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:10 | Jan-Feb 1983 | From the President (SRCC) | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:10 | Fall 1997 | Why Separation? | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:10 | Winter 2010 | Focus On Religion: You're A Fundamentalist? | Curtis Sluss |
Gal 1:13 | Summer 1993 | The Preeminence of Love | Randall Douglas |
Gal 1:13,14 | Winter 1995 | The Apostasy of the Visible Church | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 1:17 | Hurting or Itching? | J. Vernon McGee | |
Gal 2:6 | Summer 2000 | The Natural Christian Life | Walter Wilson |
Gal 2:11 | Jul 1978 | The Question of Authority | John Hosler |
Gal 2:11 | Winter 2010 | Focus On Religion: You're A Fundamentalist? | Curtis Sluss |
Gal 2:11-14 | Aug 1975 | "For This Cause" | Gerald Johnson |
Gal 2:11-14 | Heart Disease, Yes, But in Whose Body? | Jack Stephens | |
Gal 2:11-14 | Winter 2000 | Handling Face-To-Face Confrontations (Part II) | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 2:12 | The Bane of Blood Relationships | Dayton Hobbs | |
Gal 2:14 | Focus On Religion: Roman Catholicism, Reformed Covenant Theology and Israel | Tod Brainard | |
Gal 2:16 | Mar 1973 | Justification | Alan Bradshaw |
Gal 2:20 | Sep 1981 | Self-Lovers | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 2:20 | Resurrection Truth and Christian Responsibility | Tod Brainard | |
Gal 2:20 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager | |
Gal 2:20 | Roy Hession's - The Calvary Road | Tod Brainard | |
Gal 2:20 | Summer 2010 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Gal 2:20 | The Danger of Getting It Wrong! | Howard Woods | |
Gal 3:1 | Jan 1977 | Self-Destruct | Norman Wells |
Gal 3:6-9 | Mar 1973 | Justification | Alan Bradshaw |
Gal 3:10,13 | Barabbas's Theory of the Atonement | C.I. Scofield | |
Gal 3:13 | Winter 2014 | What Is The Gospel? | Tod Brainard |
Gal 3:22 | Fall 1994 | Self-Centered Imitators | Tod Brainard |
Gal 3:24 | Jan 1977 | Institute of Basic Youth Conflicts - A Critique | Charles Woodbridge |
Gal 3:28 | Focus On Religion: Roman Catholicism, Reformed Covenant Theology and Israel | Tod Brainard | |
Gal 4:1,2 | Winter 1987 | Home Schooling: How Biblical Is It? | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 4:4 | Jan 1973 | Stars of the Morning: Instant Christians | Carolyn Hobbs |
Gal 4:4 | Teaching Tips: Time Marches On! | Doris Peppard | |
Gal 4:6 | Fall 1988 | How Our Sins Are Taken Away By The Blood of Jesus (Reprint) | William Reid |
Gal 4:19,22 | May 1978 | The Nature of Regeneration | Thomas Boston |
Gal 4:24 | Winter 2009 | The Image's Ten Toes | Ludwig Opager |
Gal 5:1 | Dec 1975 | Stars of the Morning: December 1620 | Carolyn Hobbs |
Gal 5:1 | Focus On Religion: Liberty In Christ and the Translation Debate | Tod Brainard | |
Gal 5:1 | Editor's Desk: The Unequal Yoke | Dayton Hobbs | |
Gal 5:1 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager | |
Gal 5:1 | Fall 2012 | Focus On Religion: A Christian Misconception of the Holy Spirit | Adam Watt |
Gal 5:1 | Summer 2015 | The Preservation of Liberty | M. H. Reynolds |
Gal 5:5 | Jun-Jul 1982 | The Hope of the Church | John McNicol |
Gal 5:9 | Mar 1979 | Pseudo-Fundamentalism (Part II) | Kenneth Becker |
Gal 5:11,12 | Mar-Apr 1987 | The Fall | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 5:13 | Summer 2015 | "Spotlight On Conservative Issues: A Servant" | Curtis Sluss |
Gal 5:15 | Apr 1974 | Acceptance Speech: New President CEA Southeast | Walt Handford |
Gal 5:16-21 | Spring 2011 | Reformation or Regeneration? | Tod Brainard |
Gal 5-16-21 | Fall 2013 | Dropping One By One | Tod Brainard |
Gal 5:17 | God Calls It Treachery | Paul Smith | |
Gal 5:19-21 | Winter 2014 | What Is The Gospel? | Tod Brainard |
Gal 5:21-23 | Apr 1981 | The Christian, The Movies and TV | John Ashbrook |
Gal 5:22 | Fall 1993 | The Performance of Love | Randall Douglas |
Gal 5:22,23 | Apr 1972 | The Other Side: God's Will | Dave Johnson |
Gal 5:22,23 | Aug 1974 | Qualifying As A Missionary | Kenneth Becker |
Gal 5:22,23 | Spring1, 1993 | Love: A More Excellent Way | Randall Douglas |
Gal 5:22,23 | Spring 2000 | Handling Face-To-Face Confrontations (Part III) | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 5:26 | Winter 2014 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Gal 6:1 | Oct 1974 | Bill Gothard's Basic Youth Conflicts Analyzed | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 6:1 | Resolution on Bill Gothard and His Institute In Basic Youth Conflicts | Ohio Bible Fellowship | |
Gal 6:1 | Spring 1992 | Focus on Religion | Tod Brainard |
Gal 6:1 | Answering Questions About The Changes We Are Seeing in Fundamentalism | Rick Arrowood | |
Gal 6:2 | Apr 1977 | Balanced Christian Education | George Youstra |
Gal 6:2 | Nov-Dec 1977 | The Real Imperative of Christian Schools | Arend ten Pas |
Gal 6:3,4,5 | Winter 2001 | Hard Work | Douglas Wilson |
Gal 6:7 | Apr 1974 | Stars of the Morning: The Barn Door | Carolyn Hobbs |
Gal 6:7 | Sep 1975 | Consent Thou Not | Bill Hall |
Gal 6:7 | Stars of the Morning: Abigail's Wisdom | Carolyn Hobbs | |
Gal 6:7 | Jan 1982 | Stars of the Morning: Thou Art The Man! | Carolyn Hobbs |
Gal 6:7 | Jan-Feb 1987 | Stars of the Morning: One Pet Lamb | Carolyn Hobbs |
Gal 6:7 | Fall 2011 | Wrong Is Always Wrong! | Pat McGee |
Gal 6:7,8 | Summer 1990 | For the Good of Your Child | Dayton Hobbs |
Gal 6:7,8 | Focus on Religion: Lot in Zoar | Curtis Sluss | |
Gal 6:8 | Fall 1990 | Focus on Religion: Passive Humanism in Fundamental Christianity | Tod Brainard |
Gal 6:9 | Teaching Tips: "The End" | Doris Peppard | |
Gal 6:12-15 | May-Jun 1983 | People For Profit | Peter Foxx |
Gal 6:14 | Separation From the World | James Brooks | |
Eph 1:3 | Winter 2001 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 1:7 | The Church Scene | Jim Jones | |
Eph 1:7 | Apr 1972 | Loaded With Extras | Alan Bradshaw |
Eph 1:7 | Barabbas's Theory of the Atonement | C.I. Scofield | |
Eph 1:13 | Brownsville, Finney, and Revival | Ron Bean | |
Eph 1:13,14 | Mar 1972 | The Church In Revelation | Ron Comfort |
Eph 1:13,14 | Fall 2012 | Focus On Religion: A Christian Misconception of the Holy Spirit | Adam Watt |
Eph 1:13,14 | Winter 2014 | What Is The Gospel? | Tod Brainard |
Eph 1:15 | Spring 1999 | True Faith, True Love | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 1:18 | Spring 1996 | Assurance of Salvation | Ron Bean |
Eph 1:18 | Spring 2013 | Focus on Religion: Sin's Incompatibility with God's Children | Adam Watt |
Eph 1:21,22 | Nov 1974 | Bill Gothard's Chain Of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 2:1 | Sep-Oct 1983 | Stars of the Morning: Poor Spook | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 2:1 | Mar-Apr 1987 | The Fall | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 2:1 | So I Send You | Randall Douglas | |
Eph 2:1 | Summer 1999 | Stars of the Morning: Tulips, Tests, and Tales | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 2:1 | Fall 2002 | Can a Dead Man Repent | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 2:1-3 | Spring 1991 | Focus On Religion: New Age Vocabulary | Tod Braiinard |
Eph 2:1-10 | Apr 1972 | The Other Side: God's Will | Dave Johnson |
Eph 2:2 | Aug 1974 | The Extension of the Babylonian Cult | Jerry Priest |
Eph 2:3 | Summer 2001 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 2:4-7 | Oct 1978 | "The Remarkable Re-birth of Planet Earth" | Henry Morris |
Eph 2:4-9 | Barabbas's Theory of the Atonement | C.I. Scofield | |
Eph 2:6 | Jun-Jul 1982 | The Hope of the Church | John McNicol |
Eph 2:8 | Oct 1973 | Why Is There No Revival In America? | Jack Mohr |
Eph 2:8 | Dec 1974 | God's Christmas Gift | Bob Gray |
Eph 2:8 | Fall 2002 | Editor's Desk: What Is the Gift of God? | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 2:8,9 | Mar 1973 | Justification | Alan Bradshaw |
Eph 2:8,9 | Mar 1981 | Proper Biblical Evangelism | Roger Bixler |
Eph 2:8,9 | Nov-Dec 1982 | Things That Accompany Salvation | Roger Bixler |
Eph 2:8,9 | Spring 1993 | The Public Invitation: Its Use and Abuse | Jon Trainer |
Eph 2:8,9 | Winter 2014 | What Is The Gospel? | Tod Brainard |
Eph 2:8-10 | The Danger of Getting It Wrong! | Howard Woods | |
Eph 2:10 | Dec 1973 | How To Love Life and See Good Days | Sam Woolcock |
Eph 2:10 | Fall 1994 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 2:10 | Spring 1999 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 2:10 | Why Am I Here? | Ludwig Opager | |
Eph 2:11-22 | Fall 2010 | The Good Shepherd Confronts Religion | Adam Watt |
Eph 2:13 | The Church Scene | Jim Jones | |
Eph 2:14 | The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving (Part 2) | Paul Smith | |
Eph 2:14 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager | |
Eph 2:16 | Summer 1993 | The Preeminence of Love | Randall Douglas |
Eph 3:1-10 | Summer 1992 | The Apostasy of the Visible Church | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 3:4-6 | Summer 2000 | Focus On Religion: Four Great New Testament Mysteries | Tod Brainard |
Eph 3:8 | Three Subjects Worth Preaching | Ronald Bean | |
Eph 3:14 | Summer 1993 | The Preeminence of Love | Randall Douglas |
Eph 3:17 | Winter 2014 | What Is The Gospel? | Tod Brainard |
Eph 4 | Don'ts In The Christian Life | Theron Babcock | |
Eph 4:2 | Fall 1993 | The Performance of Love | Randall Douglas |
Eph 4:7-12 | Jan-Feb 1987 | Preacher or Teacher - Is There A Difference? | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 4:11 | Nov 1972 | Called To Be A Preacher or a Missionary - Which Is It? | Gerald Johnson |
Eph 4:11 | Mar 1981 | Proper Biblical Evangelism | Roger Bixler |
Eph 4:11 | Summer 1993 | The Preeminence of Love | Randall Douglas |
Eph 4:11,12 | Sep 1973 | A Christian Philosophy Toward Authority | Ardelle Jacquot |
Eph 4:11,12 | Jan-Feb 1983 | Apt to Teach | Michael Bates |
Eph 4:11,12 | Fall 1993 | Editor's Desk | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 4:11,12 | Fall 1994 | Book Review: Against Biblical Counseling, For The Bible (Martin & Deidre Bobgan) | Tod Brainard |
Eph 4:11,12 | Summer 1998 | Another Jesus! | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 4:11,12 | Winter 2002 | Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats? | Charles Spurgeon |
Eph 4:12 | Fall 1993 | The Apostasy of the Visible Church | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 4:12 | A Social Agenda? | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 4:12,13 | Spiritual Apathy of Christian School Students: Where Lies the Cause? | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 4:14 | Jan 1975 | Can Christians Witness in the Public Schools? | James Bramblet |
Eph 4:14 | Nov-Dec 1977 | The Real Imperative of Christian Schools | Arend ten Pas |
Eph 4:14 | May 1981 | The Other Side | Dave Johnson |
Eph 4:14 | Avoid Dialogue With Sanballat | Curtis Sluss | |
Eph 4:14 | Summer 2015 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 4:14,15 | Nov-Dec 1981 | Dungeons and Dragons: The Occult and Psychodrama | Temple Times |
Eph 4:16 | Aug-Sep 1978 | Should We all Be One? | Kenneth Becker |
Eph 4:18 | Feb 1974 | Blueprint For The Anti-Christ | Jack Mohr |
Eph 4:18 | So I Send You | Randall Douglas | |
Eph 4:22-24 | May 1978 | The Nature of Regeneration | Thomas Boston |
Eph 4:24 | Jan 1974 | New Things | Ron Comfort |
Eph 4:24 | Jun-Jul 1976 | Educational Potluck | Jim Biddle |
Eph 4:25 | Fall 2013 | Focus On Religion: Some Practical Things That Godly Farmer Boys Know! | Mel Wingrove |
Eph 4:26 | Fall 2003 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 4:26 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager | |
Eph 4:26 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager | |
Eph 4:28 | Nov-Dec 1977 | The Real Imperative of Christian Schools | Arend ten Pas |
Eph 4:32 | Stars of the Morning: Be Kind | Carolyn Hobbs | |
Eph 4:32 | Teaching Tips: Bullies | Doris Peppard | |
Eph 5 | Jun-Jul 1982 | What Is Ruckmanism? | John McGraw |
Eph 5 | Don'ts In The Christian Life | Theron Babcock | |
Eph 5:1-13 | Fall 1993 | Editor's Desk | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:2 | Spring 1992 | Stars of the Morning: Peace Pie | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 5:2 | Summer 1997 | Stars of the Morning: A Day to Remember | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 5:2 | Stars of the Morning: Reservations Please | Carolyn Hobbs | |
Eph 5:4 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager | |
Eph 5:6-11 | Aug 1974 | The Extension of the Babylonian Cult | Jerry Priest |
Eph 5:8 | Winter 1994 | Stars of the Morning: That Dog Spot | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 5:8,18 | So I Send You | Randall Douglas | |
Eph 5:10,11 | Fall/Winter 1992 | Approving Excellence | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:11 | Apr 1972 | The Negative Aspect of the Ministry | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:11 | Nov 1972 | Long Hair: A Commie Plot | Author Unknown |
Eph 5:11 | Nov 1974 | Independent Baptist Resolution Concerning Billy Graham Tidewater Crusade of Hampton and Norfolk, Virginia 1974 | North Carolina & Virginia Independent Baptist Fellowship |
Eph 5:11 | Dec 1974 | Exposing Error: Is It Worth while? | H. A. Ironside |
Eph 5:11 | Jan 1975 | 1974 Baptist Congress On Fundamentalism | 1974 Baptist Congress on Fundamentalsim |
Eph 5:11 | Sep 1975 | Consent Thou Not | Bill Hall |
Eph 5:11 | Nov 1976 | Focus On Religion | Peter Foxx |
Eph 5:11 | Nov-Dec 1977 | Obedience On Separation | Evangelical Methodist Annual Conference |
Eph 5:11 | Jul 1978 | Exposing Error: Is It Worthwhile? | H.A. Ironside |
Eph 5:11 | Jan 1979 | Separation From Apostasy | John Ashbrook |
Eph 5:11 | Sep-Oct 1983 | Resolutions of World Congress of Fundamentalists 1983 | World Congress of Fundamentalists |
Eph 5:11 | Heart Disease, Yes, But in Whose Body? | Jack Stephens | |
Eph 5:11 | Summer 1995 | Promise Keepers | M.H. Reynolds |
Eph 5:11 | Spring 2001 | Exposing Error: Is It Worthwhile? | Harry Ironside |
Eph 5:11 | Winter 2002 | The Doctrine of Separation: Its Trail Through the Scriptures (Part II) | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:11 | Fall 2002 | The Extreme Middle | M.H. Reynolds |
Eph 5:11 | The Clouding of Discernment | Tod Brainard | |
Eph 5:11 | Focus On Religion: Separation From Apostasy | John Ashbrook | |
Eph 5:11 | The Good Cause Syndrome | John Ashbrook | |
Eph 5:14 | Fall 2009 | Revival, Awakening or Repentance? | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:15 | Mar 1973 | Are We Aware Of Satan's Devices? | Joseph Henson |
Eph 5:16 | Nov 1975 | Family Devotions | Jerry Priest |
Eph 5:16 | Teaching Tips: Time Marches On! | Doris Peppard | |
Eph 5:16 | Winter 2015 | Time Is Short, Very Short: A New Year's Challenge | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:17 | Apr 1972 | The Other Side: God's Will | Dave Johnson |
Eph 5:18 | What Is Complete Obedience? | Oscar Coggin | |
Eph 5:18,19 | Apr 1973 | A New Song | Frank Garlock |
Eph 5:18,19 | Winter 1992 | A Biblical Perspective of Church Music | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:18,19 | Spring 1992 | Focus on Religion | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:18 | Roy Hession's - The Calvary Road | Tod Brainard | |
Eph 5:19 | Aug 1972 | Stars of the Morning: Uum Uum Good! | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 5:19 | Jun-Jul 1976 | Obedience To Scriptures | World Congress of Fundamentalists |
Eph 5:19 | Spring 1996 | Teaching Tips: Hymns for Children | Doris Peppard |
Eph 5:19 | Summer 1998 | Music Is Not Always Music! | M.R. DeHann |
Eph 5:19 | Fall 2014 | Moving the Ark On A Cart | Curtis Sluss |
Eph 5:19,20 | Fall 2013 | Dropping One By One | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:20 | Jan 1979 | Resolved | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:20 | I Am Resolved! | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 5:20 | Stars Of The Morning: Fix Your Face | Carolyn Hobbs | |
Eph 5:20 | Fall 2014 | Two Little Big Words | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:21,22 | For The Good of Your Child | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 5:21-24 | Apr 1977 | Christian Conscience and the Chain of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:21-33 | Nov-Dec 1983 | Homosexuality: The Ultimate Sin | John Ashbrook |
Eph 5:22,23 | Aug 1974 | 'Second Mate' | Shirlee Evans |
Eph 5:22-24 | Authority: The "Ugly" Word of Our Day | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 5:22-28 | Nov 1974 | Bill Gothard's Chain Of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:23-25 | Is There A Proper Masculine-Feminine Balance in Your Home? | Paul Kienel | |
Eph 5:25 | Jan-Feb 1983 | Apt to Teach | Michael Bates |
Eph 5:25-27 | Mar 1972 | The Church In Revelation | Ron Comfort |
Eph 5:25-27 | Roy Hession's - The Calvary Road | Tod Brainard | |
Eph 5:25-29 | Nov 1975 | Family Devotions | Jerry Priest |
Eph 5:27 | Summer 2013 | Birth Is The Beginning of Death | Clay Nuttall |
Eph 5:28,29 | Sep 1981 | Self-Lovers | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:29 | Spring 1992 | The Apostasy of the Visible Church | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:30-32 | Summer 2000 | Focus On Religion: Four Great New Testament Mysteries | Tod Brainard |
Eph 5:33 | Nov 1974 | Bill Gothard's Chain Of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 5:33 | Fall 2001 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 6 | Feb 1974 | Blueprint For The Anti-Christ | Jack Mohr |
Eph 6 | Don'ts In The Christian Life | Theron Babcock | |
Eph 6 | Winter 2013 | Spotlight On Contemporary Issues | Curtis Sluss |
Eph 6:1 | Sep 1973 | A Christian Philosophy Toward Authority | Ardelle Jacquot |
Eph 6:1 | Nov 1974 | Bill Gothard's Chain Of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 6:1 | Jun-Jul 1976 | Obedience To Scriptures | World Congress of Fundamentalists |
Eph 6:1 | Apr 1977 | Christian Conscience and the Chain of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 6:1 | For The Good of Your Child | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 6:1 | Spring 1996 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 6:1,2 | May 1973 | Stars of the Morning: David's Complaint | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 6:1,2 | Authority: The "Ugly" Word of Our Day | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 6:1-3 | Growing Up In the Last Days | Tod Brainard | |
Eph 6:1-4 | Aug 1977 | The Christian Philosophy of Discipline | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 6:1-4 | Why Christian Standards Fall | Ivan Foster | |
Eph 6:3 | Jun 1975 | Evolution And The Population Problem | Henry Morris |
Eph 6:4 |
Christ Centered Education |
Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 6:4 | Aug 1972 | The Profit Motive | Bob Jones III |
Eph 6:4 | Aug 1973 | The Conspiracy to Capture Your Child | Norman Wells |
Eph 6:4 | Dec 1974 | Can Christian Parents Continue to Educate Their Children in Non-Christian Schools? | Carl Tuttle |
Eph 6:4 | Jan 1975 | Can Christians Witness in the Public Schools? | James Bramblet |
Eph 6:4 | Nov 1975 | Family Devotions | Jerry Priest |
Eph 6:4 | Jun-Jul 1976 | Obedience To Scriptures | World Congress of Fundamentalists |
Eph 6:4 | The Christian Philosophy of Education | Dayton Hobbs | |
Eph 6:4 | Nov-Dec 1977 | The Real Imperative of Christian Schools | Arend ten Pas |
Eph 6:4 | Sep-Oct 1985 | The Discipline of Children | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 6:4 | Summer 2001 | Proverb Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 6:4 | Teaching Tips: Difficult, Yet Necessary Grading | Doris Peppard | |
Eph 6:4 | Spring 2014 | Proverbs Practicals | Ludwig Opager |
Eph 6:5,7,8 | Apr 1977 | Christian Conscience and the Chain of Command | Dayton Hobbs |
Eph 6:6-7 | Biblical Separation in Christian Service | Adam Watt | |
Eph 6:10-18 | What Is Complete Obedience? | Oscar Coggin | |
Eph 6:11 | Summer 1995 | Promise Keepers | M.H. Reynolds |
Eph 6:11-13 | Dec 1976 | Satan's Salient Saturday Symposium (from Nov 76 Issue of "Contact") | Eugene Richards |
Eph 6:12 | Apr 1972 | Rock Music - Can It Be Sacred? | Frank Garlock |
Eph 6:12 | May 1973 | The Athlete (Athleo) | Mike Walker |
Eph 6:12 | Aug 1974 | The Extension of the Babylonian Cult | Jerry Priest |
Eph 6:12 | Jun-Jul 1982 | The Hope of the Church | John McNicol |
Eph 6:12 | Hurting or Itching? | J. Vernon McGee | |
Eph 6:12-13 | Guest Editor's Desk: Out of or In Control | Don Howard | |
Eph 6:12-17,18 | Fall 1987 | Focus on Religion: 1987 Bad Year for Fundamentalism | Tod Brainard |
Eph 6:13 | Sep 1972 |
Stars of the Morning: "Do It Yourself" |
Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 6:13 | May 1973 | Stars of the Morning: David's Complaint | Carolyn Hobbs |
Eph 6:13 |
Editor's Desk |
Tod Brainard |
Eph 6:13-16 | Apr 1978 | The Other Side: Religious Education | Dave Johnson |